Press Release May 2016





Announcement of the launch of The France Brodeur Young Artist Award (FBYAA)

The FBYAA seeks to offer financial support to a young artist(s) – aged between 18 and 35 years old – in relation to their art and artistic career. Ideally the grants awarded will be towards costs involved in a proposed project, which should include developing new work.

Practitioners who can demonstrate a commitment to their work, technical rigour, and development within their practice, would be ideal candidates.

France Brodeur was a printmaker with international exhibitions to her name and a wide range of interests in the arts, particularly the visual arts, theatre and dance. Originally from Quebec, Canada, France lived in Leamington Spa, Warwickshire, England, for 20 years and died there in April 2014. The FBYAA seeks to honour both her art and her belief in life and its need to be lived and celebrated – which, in many ways, is what her art is all about. France especially valued the aspirations of those younger than her.

Awards of between £500 and £3,000 will be available.

This first year’s FBYAA will open for applications on Friday 13 May 2016 and close at 12 noon on Friday 9 September 2016.

It is intended that award(s) will be announced in October 2016.

The application pack can be found here >>

Donations towards future FBYA Awards can be made online through Local Giving here >>